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American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
09/12/2024 03:00 PM
Francine Updates

09/12/2024 01:12 PM
ARRL Defends 902-928 Amateur Radio Band

09/12/2024 12:41 PM
ARRL Utah Section Expanding Emergency Communication Capabilities

A new and faster way to communicate during emergencies is being planned by the Utah Section of the ARRL® Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) group, which serves Salt Lake County, the most populous area in Utah.

ARRL Utah Section Public Information Coordinator Scott Rosenbush, K7HSR, said that discussion and planning for mesh networks using AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) techno...

09/06/2024 06:27 PM
National Preparedness Month: Have a Go Kit

September is National Preparedness Month, and ARRL is working to help radio amateurs have a plan for family resilience. Many hams enjoy public service as part of their operating. Being ready to activate for a served agency through the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) involves not only being licensed and trained, but also prepared and equipped.

ARRL Director of Emergency Management J...

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