
I will try to tell you some information's. My name is Al (short for Aldo) I live in Crema (grid JN45ui) located about 25 miles south-east of Milan, in north Italy. I was first licensed in 1973; professionally I am chairman of department of tecnology and medical devices of civilian hospital in my city. I'm active in SSB, CW, RTTY and Digital mode, when working give me possible.My main interest in radio is working Dx, which means that I enjoy contacting other radio operators in remote part of the world.

In February 1999 with Mark IK2CHZ and father John, I gone in Ivory Coast to install antennas and medical devices, in the cattolic mission of Nassian, a little town at 160 miles nord-east to Abidjan,  where father Martino Bonazzetti -TU5IJ- make your work. During two weeks, we make about 4650 Qsos on 9 HF bands, in SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL can be send to my address.
